Brown  Bear,  Brown  Bear
What  do  you  see?
Name________________                           Date_________


b r o w n    b e a r


r e d    b i r d


y e l l o w    d u c k


b l u e    h o r s e


g r e e n    f r o g


p u r p l e    c a t


w h i t e    d o g


b l a c k    s h e e p


o r a n g e    f i s h


t e a c h e r


c h i l d r e n






Directions: Mini Strip Book

1)Make copies of each page for each child child.
2) Have children cut the strips on the dotted line and then assemble pages in order and staple together.
3) Have children cut and color each animal and place on the corect page with the coreesponding word.
4) Have children then trace the color words with corresponding color markers.

Other Options:

If cutting the strips is to difficult for your children then cut and assemble books yourself.
Then allow children to color and cut just the animals and place on correct corresponding page.